Canal will prompt you to add as much information as possible when onboarding but can always be updated by selecting your logo in the top right of the Canal app > Settings.
Brand Info
All information added on this page will be visible to Retailers on your profile! You can edit this information under Settings > Brand info > Go to profile.
- Banner Image & Brand logo
- Return policy link: Link to your store's online policy page for Retailers to reference.
- Ships to information: Locations that you ship to. We'll pull this in from Shopify if applicable, but feel free to override here.
- Customer support contact: Email for receiving inquiries about refunds, returns, and fulfillment from brands.
Contact Information
Add this information during onboarding. You can update it at any time.
- Primary: Main email for receiving proposals, billing, and orders from Canal.
- Additional contacts: Secondary email that will be CC'd on all proposals, billing, and orders from Canal.
Payment & Pricing
Shipping & Inventory
All information added on this page will be visible to Storefronts to give them an idea of your shipping times.
- Shipping Policy: Provide a summary of your shipping prices and policies.
- Shipping rate: Canal suggests Storefronts use our Dynamic shipping option. If not possible, this amount will be collected from the Storefront.
- Average fulfillment time: Indicate how long it takes to fulfill a new order.
- Low inventory threshold: When inventory reaches this level, the product will be marked as "Low Inventory" to notify Storefront partners.
Run a Test order
To ensure orders are pulled into your backend correctly we suggest running a test order. This article will walk you through how to complete that in Canal's app.