Fulfillment, along with refunds and cancelations will be handled on the Orders page in the Canal app.
Fulfilling Orders
Fulfillment can be done on an order by order basis or you can import tracking for multiple orders at once. Orders will not be marked as fulfilled until there is a tracking number associated with the order.
If you want to add tracking individually you will select the 3 dots to the right of the order you wish to fulfill > Create fulfillment. You'll be required to add the Carrier, Tracking number, and tracking URL before an order can be marked as fulfilled.
Exporting Orders
To export orders you'll simple select Export. You'll then be able to select if you want to export all orders, unfulfilled orders, or select orders.
Refunds are only available for orders that have been marked as fulfilled. You can refund the customer by clicking into the order you want to refund and selecting Refund order in the top right of the screen.
You can also refund directly from the orders page by selecting the 3 dots to the right of the order > Refund order.
Order Cancellation
Orders will only be eligible for cancellation if they are not marked fulfilled in Canal. Similarly to refunds, you can cancel an order on both the order page or by selecting the 3 dots to the right of order > Cancel order. Cancelling an order will issue a complete refund to the customer.